Wednesday, November 2, 2011

On a roll

I'm on a roll today, marking off seven books! Yes, they were short minor prophets for the most part, but still. It was a good push, and much gained ground. The best part is that I actually enjoyed most of it. There are such gems from those prophets, especially Micah, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah, which contains probably my favorite verse in the whole Bible (thus far, at least). I even had the constitution to tackle Ecclesiastes and all its depressing "meaningless" passages.

Micah 7:18-19
Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.

Zephaniah 3:17 
The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing.

Amazing, right? I get goosebumps each time I read that one.

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