Saturday, November 12, 2011

I didn't forget!

Oh my goodness, I had just gotten to bed when I realized I hadn't posted today! So, it's going to be short and sweet, but I will not fail!

We had another awesome Saturday.

Caleb spent last night at Eric's dad's house, and we had a date night! Then this morning I went with the youth from our church to do Rake Up Boise, and between two houses we filled about 30 huge bags. Homemade cocoa and pumpkin spice cookies were our reward, and man was it good. Eric also did some volunteer bike trail building in the foothills.

When we both finished our respective projects, we met at home and had delicious Italian leftovers for lunch. We picked up Caleb and came back home. Caleb finished his potty chart (!!!), and as a reward he chose to buy a train. (Yes, we are bribing him with expensive toys that he would normally only get for birthday or Christmas, but we're desperate here, and it's actually starting to work!) We went to Toys R Us and he picked out a train, and we had dinner at Chipotle, since it's within walking distance.

We watched some football, and I made these (this is from the site with the tutorial; tomorrow I'll upload my own photos):
I found the project here:
 So much fun!

After Caleb went to bed, Eric and I watched a couple episodes of Batman: The Animated Series, which is just ridiculously good for a cartoon we watched when we were kids. 

Okay, I've fulfilled my commitment for the day, and I am exhausted.

1 comment:

Stacy Lynn said...

Those flowers are awesome! I love it!


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