I'm going to start something new; not new to the world, but new to me. Courtney has been doing this for over a year now, and for the whole time I've been inspired and blessed by the Moments of Grace she finds in the little things, working up towards one thousand. So since it's November, and everyone else seems to be writing about the things they are thankful for, I'm going to jump in and start my own 1000 Moments of Grace. It'll be beautiful, and encouraging, and will remind me of the things I should focus on, rather than failures, bad attitudes, and general muck.
Moments of Grace (1 - 11)
1. Frost patterns on leaves
2. Hot cocoa made from scratch, with a bit of peppermint
4. "Jump fives"
5. Comfy pants all day long
6. Waking up with a cold nose, but wrapped in my down comforter
7. Turning the thermostat up to 70
8. French music, and actually understanding the words
9. A well-timed Bible verse, showing me yet again that God knows just what I need
10. Eskimo and butterfly kisses
11. "Manifesto" by The City Harmonic
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