Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Caleb's 2nd Birthday

...was two days ago, the 25th. I still can't believe my little one is a whole two years old now! Here are a few pictures from his big day:

Daddy helping with presents




Decorations for his party

Friday, October 23, 2009


Caleb loves ravioli.

And steak with home-made french fries.

And playing the ukulele.

And his sombrero.

And playing the ukulele some more.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quick Update

I need to make this quick because I am at the public library, seeing as we no longer have internet at home.
Why do we no longer have internet at home? Because we've spent the past week moving!
It's been about the craziest two weeks ever, and I'm exhausted. All the packing, moving, unpacking, not to mention the incredible amount of roller-coaster emotions I'm still trying to sort out...

Two Fridays ago, Eric closed on the house.
The following Monday we got the keys.
Tuesday we hired piano movers and rented a U-Haul truck to cart all our heavy furniture, etc. across town. We also got Caleb's room set up so he would be comfortable and unafraid in this new setting.
Wednesday I spent six straight hours cleaning up the rental. When Eric and Trisha got there, I was able to take off for dance class (which F. and I decided to skip in liu of pizza, wine, and Sex and the City).
Thursday unpacked the kitchen and living room.
Friday unpacked the music room and our bedroom.
Saturday I worked.
Sunday I helped in elementary Sunday school. And then I rested. That night Eric and I drank a bottle of champagne in celebration of our new home.
Monday I really rested.

So there we have it up until now. More details and pictures to come, soon, I hope. We'll see how the internet situation works out. For now I'm content to spend time here at the library. It's my happy place. :)

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